Richard Locke
Richard has lived in Ockbrook for the last 32 years. He has been a Parish Councillor for the last three years and is Chairman of the Halls and General Purposes Committees. He is also Chairman of The Ashbrook Centre Trustees which provides much needed facilities for groups of all ages. Richard is passionate about the environment, welfare and the preservation of The Green Belt. He also believes that the Parish should be a safe and vibrant community and is dedicated to ensuring that residents' needs are met.
Jane White
Jane has lived in Borrowash for over 43 years. She is married and raised her four children in the village. As a retired Senior Community Nurse who worked in Derby and Sheffield, the needs of the elderly and vulnerable of the Parish are of paramount importance to her. She feels a real sense of pride for the village and the people who live here. Jane loves where she lives and wants to continue to work to see improvements and to protect our valuable ‘green belt’ areas so that our children and grandchildren are able to enjoy the semi-rural village that we all currently enjoy.
Michael White
Michael has lived in Borrowash for the last 32 years. He is married and runs his own business, being a Chartered Member of The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health and a Fellow of The International Institution of Risk and Safety Management. He served in the army for nine years with the 17th/21st Lancers in the UK and BAOR. Michael has been a Parish Councillor for the last sixteen years and is currently Chairman of the Council. He has also been a Ward Member for Ockbrook and Borrowash at Erewash Borough Council for the last eight years where he is also Chairman of the Audit Committee. Michael has very strong feelings about protecting the community’s individual characteristics from the threat of being just another village swamped by ‘green belt’ development. He says that whilst we must embrace change we must also not lose sight of retaining our identity, protecting our interests for future generations and championing the needs of the local community at every opportunity.