Chancellor George Osborne has congratulated Erewash MP, Jessica Lee, on hosting another successful Jobs Fair. Taking place on Thursday 12th September, the Fair aimed to connect jobseekers with local businesses looking to recruit new staff.
The Chancellor said, "Congratulations to Jessica Lee, MP for Erewash for organising such a successful Jobs Fair yesterday. With over 50 exhibitors and over 1300 people attending there was a high level of interest. The economy in Derbyshire will continue to be supported by such a positive and useful initiative."
After the success of her first Jobs Fair, Jessica Lee MP hosted the event last week at the West Park Leisure Centre in Long Eaton to ensure everyone could attend.
Jessica says, "I am delighted with the attendance at my second Erewash Jobs Fair; throughout the course of the day, we had just over 1300 attendees. There were near to 60 exhibitors offering a wide range of opportunities. It was great to speak with people at the fair who had either been offered a job, found a training opportunity or volunteered: the Girlguiding stall had 11 potential adult volunteers within the first couple of hours. There was also information on starting your own business; from which the feedback which was excellent. Over 40,000 leaflets were delivers by volunteers over the last 4 weeks; to whom I owe an enormous thank you. In addition, I wouldn’t be able to organise this event without sponsors, so I would like to thank; Belfield Furnishings, Derwent Analytics Ltd, East Midlands Trains, Erewash Partnership, Fairgrove Homes, Rayden Engineering, Ron Brooks Toyota, Royal Bank of Scotland, Stanton Bonna and Trent Barton for their support in Erewash."