The countdown is now underway as Erewash Borough Council gears up for its community-boosting Borough Blitz bonanza . . . so the call is out for local residents to get involved.
The annual month-long crackdown on litter and graffiti will once again run throughout March as armies of volunteers ‘blitz’ all corners of the borough.
Behind the flagship project is the Council’s Pride in Erewash Campaign, which spearheads the many communitywide clean-up events that will be held daily.
Local residents, organisations and schools still have time to get involved by signing up to join in one or more of the clean-ups to ensure the ‘pride’ remains in Erewash.
Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough Council’s portfolio holder for Pride in Erewash, says:
“We already have hundreds of residents and schoolchildren who have joined us and are looking forward to ‘putting on the blitz’ with us this year – but there is still time to get involved so we can make this the biggest and best blitz so far!
“This ‘spring clean’ event has proved to be incredibly popular with people of all ages, so get in touch right now and make 2013 the year you join our army of volunteers and take part in a community event that will have a real and positive impact on our borough.”
This year’s event comes hot on the heels of the borough’s success in the 2012 East Midlands in Bloom competition when among the hatful of honours was an award for the Least Littered Environment.
The award was a tribute to the all-year-round work put in by the Council’s own litter pickers – but also to the many residents who show their ‘pride in Erewash’ by taking part in the Borough Blitz and other community clean-up events throughout the year
The Borough Blitz features clean-up events in parks, plays areas, on streets and open spaces and involves litter-picking and scrubbing graffiti off walls and play equipment. Volunteers are kitted out with fluorescent Pride in Erewash vests, gloves, bin bags and a litter-picking gadget.
For more information or to register to take part in the 2013 Borough Blitz, contact the Council’s Pride in Erewash team on 0115 907 2244.