Derbyshire Labour are stuck in the 1970s in a way that the even the modern mainstream Labour Party isn't and that's saying something since they have clearly drifted away from Tony Blair's New Labour ethos.
Derbyshire Labour's manifestly old fashioned Hard Line Labour, where fellow members are referred to as Comrade and there is a pervading sense of being stuck in an endless loop of 1970s socialist rhetoric.
Derbyshire Labour has opposed every sensible measure for saving money made by the Conservative administration at DCC since they took power in 2009. Not once have they said how they would deal with the spending cuts that we have had to take our share of because of the mess the previous Labour government left this country in.
Our reforms to services and the open and public way we have had a dialogue with the people of Derbyshire to ensure we consult them on the necessary changes we have had to make were excuses for Labour to dust off their 70s placards and take to the streets.
Nevertheless we have changed services in consultation with you the public and whilst saving many 10s of millions of pounds we have at the same time improved services and achieved better outcomes for Derbyshire people relying upon those services.
Labour could not and would not do that. Their Union taskmasters wouldn't allow it and they are so retrogressive that it is clearly not contained within their thinking or ethos.
Can you ever remember a real consultation by Labour prior to 2009?
Derbyshire Labour, in its retrogressive backwards looking way seems to think that parts of the county, such as North East Derbyshire, Bolsover and Chesterfield are some kind of socialist theme park. As such even their own national party seem to view them as an amusing old fashioned variant holding on to the ideals and ethos of (very) Old Labour.
For 28 years Derbyshire Labour spent money at DCC like it was going out of fashion and failed, as we have proved, to get good value for money for local taxpayers. They ensured that their heartlands got the cream and have resisted every measure since 2009 to ensure fairness and equity for all Derbyshire taxpayers, no matter where you live.
Can Derbyshire afford Labour again from 2013?
If you believe as we do that Derbyshire deserves better and in fairness and equity of services for all Derbyshire residents then Vote for Derbyshire Conservatives on 2nd May 2013 at the County Council elections.